September 24

No “I” in Team.

Back in the summer of 2010, in Cocoa Florida were i was living at the time. I joined my local county’s football team. It was always a boy hood dream, and football was one way my Father and I bonded. Growing up I always wanted the traditional Father son relationship.Now being on a team, I felt like we both made the team.


Practice was not something I was prepared for in the slightest. August, is around the time we started and in Florida, it is very humid and dry witch wasn’t bad if you stayed hydrated.  Although when it rained the practices where just an hour and half of being eaten by mosquitoes. I feel that those were the worst practices, mud everywhere and getting attacked by mosquitoes.So when it was just battle the heat those days where a walk in the park.


Something I picked up on fairly quickly was you ability to play didn’t necessarily mean you got a lot of field time.It was in fact who your coach was and if his son played on the team, most of the coach’s had the sons playing the whole game.That was the case with our team. Didn’t matter how much effort you put in at practice or just didn’t seem like it.Id barley get feild time, finnally i said something to the head coach. I asked him if i could get more time playing and why his son was playing the whole game. He didnt like that, and told me to try harder and not to question him.

Then on one Saturday morning, we were playing a double header. I had no idea it would be a day i will always remember.The superstar aka the coaches sons made a critical mistake when hiking the ball from the center, and fumbled it.Luckily i was on the field when it happened and put all the skills from practice into recovering the ball.Doing a “bear Crawl” where you’re on all fours I was able to recover the all stars fumble and get our team the ball back.After i walk over the the side line my team charring that we didn’t lose the ball and was a big play in a game we won.

From that day on, my head coach viewed me as a more valuable assets to the team. Witch may not be the best way of coaching a team but,it sure did make me try and earn my moment. He learned what I was capable of doing under pressure.Made me think that in life actions do speak louder then words.

September 19

Memoir; sample readings

 This memoir   (Sharing Secrets) Talks about how she went to an all girls summer camp, for the first time. At first she wasn’t to excited about it but after spending time and getting comfortable ,and making friends with other girls. After getting acquainted with the girls there she learned about their lives. She soon realized that others had more deep and personal issues they worked out with each other. Now she attends Camp Seafarer every summer, to come together and hear their stories and offer support, and just have a great time.


I Choose this memoir because I strongly connect with this. Growing up I never stayed in one area for more then three and half years. My family was always moving I had been to seven different schools before I entered High-school. Many where in Massachusetts, and one big move to Florida.After a few times I started to become very excluded and shy especially as I grew older.When I moved to Florida though is where I made life long friends to witch I still am in touch with to this day. Now we are like a long distance family, wishing each other great holidays and birthdays, even meeting up when I go back down or when they come up for vacations.


The universal significance of this memoir, to me is being able to be in a uncomfortable and unknowing situation and making the most out of it.Going into camp she didn’t have any friends there, only after meeting girls and making connections did she start to enjoy it. That’s why I feel this memoir fits me all to well,knowing the struggles of feeling alone, only to gain some great people as friends for life.


September 17

Four sentences and a scene

My hometown is a quaint and peaceful. A ma and pa town where everyone knows everyone and is a fantastic place to grow up.

Laci style depicted her way of life and it was far from the average person who tends to blend in. She is the type to not blend-in rather she is loud and proud.

Mr. Brown was by no means teacher of the year, failing to connect with any of his students.

The room seemed to suck the life from people who entered, as a student would feel about detention.


As the sun rises piercing through the blinds.He rolls over,only to his dismay of the alarm going off and its time to start his day. He rolls over to kiss his wife and then hops out of bed.Then makes his way to the brewing pot of coffee.Now passing through the kitchen his two furry pets come rushing in to greet him as if its been days since they’ve seen him.So he finishes pouring his cup and turns to let his pups outside.Before going to put on the, old suit and tie he preps the dogs food and calls them back in. With the dogs eating and him finishing up putting on his shoes,he then makes sure his wife.As he makes his way out the door she comes rushing out to give him one last hug and makes sure he takes the lunch she made for him,and sends him on his way with a kiss.

September 12

(Snapshot) Mornings of a machine operator

Alarm rings, I roll over to turn it off its 4:45 day begins. I dreadfully slide out of my cozy bed and walk downstairs to make my morning cup of joe. Then throw a bagel in the toaster and turn on the T.V,as i pick out my work outfit. Now 5:10 second alarm goes off,my backup to make sure I’m up and moving.I gather my Lunch and snacks for the day,then catch a few more minutes of relaxing before heading out the door.I’m out the door by 5:50 but not before making a to-go cup of coffee. Conveniently my shop was less then two miles from my home and i arrive at 6 am.